How to Turn a Blog into a Book to Widen Your Market Reach

As blogging evolved rapidly over the years, the standard web content can already be read differently if you will turn your blog into a book. Doing so allows you to express your thoughts and ideas in more detail without worrying about the ideal number of words required for a post. Your readers can also create a mindset that your book is comprehensive, which requires a little bit more of their time.

Converting your blog into a book is also a great way of marketing your brand in a more content-rich way. Although this idea is unique and creative, how do you turn a blog into a book the proper way? To help you answer this question, we will give you three effective tips to create a book out of your blog that promotes your brand excellently.

Tips to Turn My Blog into a Book

1. Get Your Book Content from Your Old Posts

Writing a book for your brand is much easier if you get the inspiration from your published posts. These blog posts can serve as your outline in creating content for your book. 

Your existing content might be a collection of different topics, but there is still a connection among them, that is, your brand. Your brand can connect all these seemingly unrelated posts and from there create a comprehensive book that can best represent your brand. 

When recycling your existing content, start by looking at the headlines and creating a list for them. The list serves as your guide in finding the posts with common themes that you can combine into a book. 

You do not have to use all your published blogs. You can just pick whatever you see fit, depending on the vision you have in mind. To make your work easier, you can also use free apps, such as bibisco, so you can compile your book content faster.

2. Look for an All-in-One Printing Service

Having an all-in-one printing service makes your life a lot easier from importing your content to basically printing it. You can use Into Real Pages, which is a printing service that allows you to upload your blog to their website.

What is great about Into Real Pages is it supports Typepad, Weebly, Travellerspoint, Blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr. The website also gives you the option to choose which type of book you want to create and to customize your cover. 

If your blogging platform is not supported by Into Real Pages, you can use PixxiBook instead. It supports Wix and Squarespace, in addition to Blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr. However, unlike Into Real Pages, PixxiBook only lets you produce hardcover books. 

If you have content from your social media channels that you want to include in your book, you can use BlookUp. The website supports Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. It also has a similar service as the previous two printing services but only lets you produce hardcover books.

3. Consider Getting a Printing Service That Can Cater to Printing and Publishing in Bulk 

If you want to publish your book (or considering producing more than one), it would be a good idea to look for a printing service that can handle multiple book printing as well as publishing. Unfortunately, the three printing services mentioned earlier can only handle publishing of a single book.      

For easier transfer of your content to your printing service, consider converting your content into a PDF copy. A PDF copy can also be a good offering for those readers who prefer reading the book electronically. 

BlogBooker lets you import your blog as well, and it gives you a PDF copy of your book upon publishing. It supports Twitter, TypePad, Medium, Ghost, LiveJournal, Blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr.

48 Hour Books gives you the option to print multiple books. It does not let you upload your blog directly though but allows you to import a PDF copy of your books. 

You also can enjoy enticing printing options such as:

  • Custom book dimensions
  • Dust jackets
  • Internal and external cover customization
  • Leather and cloth covers

What is great about 48 Hour Books is you can print your books the same day you submitted your content. 

If you want more help producing your book, you can also use BookBaby. They offer professional cover design, editing, barcodes, ISBN, and many others. BookBaby also allows you to self-publish, which gives you the options of worldwide distribution, direct-to-reader sales, and several custom-printed books.  


Regardless of the method you will use to turn your blog into a book, it is crucial that you edit and proofread your content meticulously to ensure your final product is of top-notch quality. Make it also a priority to create a catchy and engaging title, so readers will be enticed to read it. 

The cover, look, and overall feel of your book should represent your brand in the best possible way as well. This is vital, so you can attract more readers and eventually turn them into buying customers.

So, compile topics from your existing posts now and turn them into a book to generate more customers and increase sales!

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