Learning how to transfer a WordPress site from one host to another involves three stages. You can easily become an expert on this because the steps are easy. To know what these are, follow our guide below!
How to Transfer WordPress from One Domain to Another
Transfer WordPress Files to Your Local Drive
This step is doing a backup for your WordPress. You can do this using the file transfer protocol (FTP), a network protocol for transferring files on a computer network.
Log in to your control panel and go to FTP Accounts under Files.
If you do not have an account for the FTP, you should create one. Fill in your details for your Log In and Password and then click Create FTP Account.
Click Configure FTP Client that you can download your account details.
When you are in the software, go to Site Manager at the top and import the FTP file you downloaded. A password may be required after that.
Make a new folder in your local drive for the WordPress files. Go back to CoreFTP and refresh it.
On the right side of your screen, find public_html and then enter the folder. Highlight all the files in there and then download them.
The download may take several minutes to complete.
Export the WordPress Database
Next is to copy the WordPress database from the old web host account. Go to your control panel and choose phpMyAdmin under the Databases section.
Choose the database you want to download and then click Export at the top.
Make sure the Export method is Quick – display only the minimal option and the Format is SQL. Hit Go.
Import the WordPress Database
Once the database is downloaded, you will move to your new web host and import the database you downloaded.
Go back to phpMyAdmin, choose the database you want, and then click Import. Click Choose file, select the database you will transfer to the new host, and hit Go.
Reconfigure WordPress
Once the import is completed, you need to reconfigure WordPress to function from the new server. Go to File Manager and then public_html.
Look for the wp-config.php file, right click on that, and select Edit.
Edit DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, and DB_HOST and then click Save Changes. This will copy everything from the old domain to the new one.
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How to Transfer from Cpanel Backup
You can also back up WordPress in another way. Go back to your control panel and go to Backup under Files. Click Download a Full Account Backup to allow a complete backup and let you upload it.
You can restore a home directory to a new cPanel account by clicking the Choose file button under this section. Choose the file you recently downloaded and then click Upload.
With our guide above, you can migrate WordPress easily without errors and delays. Just make sure to wait for each download or upload process to complete before going to the next activity to avoid issues.
Get your tools ready for this process now and use this easy guide to transfer WordPress!