How to Change the Font Size in WordPress

Learning how to change the font size of your WordPress posts and pages is quite easy, and you have four ways to do it. Modifying the font size helps readers see the texts clearly and improve the appearance of your website. In today’s article, we are going to talk about each method to configure the font size that will help you evaluate which way is better for you.

How to Change the Font Size on WordPress Posts and Pages

1. Customize Paragraph Headings

Paragraph headings or your pages or posts’ subheadings play a key role in grabbing the attention of your readers. These subheadings help readers determine if they want to read the rest of the post or page or not.

The SEO value of your post increases when you have the correct format for your subheadings because search engines give more weight to them than the paragraph texts. To start configuring a post or a page, we will give you a walkthrough for the default Block Editor and Classic Editor.

For the Default Block Editor

Enter the page or post you want to edit or add a new post or page. On the edit page, add a block by clicking the plus sign icon at the upper left side of your screen.

Default block Editor

You will be given a dropdown menu. Choose Heading from the options.


It will automatically give a heading 2 or H2. If you want to change it to heading 3 or higher (H3 or higher), click the dropdown button for headings and select the appropriate heading level.

H2 Headings

On the right side of your screen, you can also change the heading using the Heading Settings. You can even change the colour of the heading text in the Colour settings section.

H3 Headings

Click Update or Save Draft once done configuring.

Save Draft

For the Classic Editor

Using the Classic Editor is a lot easier. To change the heading, highlight the text and click the Paragraph dropdown menu. Select the appropriate heading for the text.

Choose your heading

If you have a premium theme, you can go to Appearance from your Dashboard menu and select Customize to change the font size and colour of your heading.

2. Change the Font Size of the Text in the Block Editor

On your edit page, click the block you want to edit. Hover over to the right side of your screen and go to Text settings.

Click the dropdown arrow for Preset size and select the size of the text.

Preset font Size

You can also choose Custom to type the size of the text you want. If you want the first letter of your text to become large, enable Drop cap.

Choose Heading colour

In case you change your mind and want to go back to default, click Reset.

3. Install the TinyMCE Advanced Plugin to Change the Font Size

TinyMCE Advanced is a plugin that allows you to manage text formatting and font sizes and includes other related features. What is great about this WordPress font size plugin is it can be used by both the classic and block editors.

Install the plugin first on WordPress. Go to Plugins from your Dashboard menu and select Add New.

Add TinyMCE Plugin

Type “TinyMCE Advanced” on the search box and click Install Now and then Activate once the plugin appears on the search page.

Install TinyMce Plugin

Once the plugin is activated, go to Settings from your Dashboard menu, and select TinyMCE Advanced.

Tiny MCE Advanced

If you are using the Classic Editor, the Font Sizes feature is already enabled by default.

Enable Classic Editor

If you are using the Block Editor, scroll down the page to Toolbars for the Classic Paragraph and Classic blocks. Drag the Font Sizes button and drop it to the toolbar.

Classic Paragraph

Click Save Changes at the bottom of your screen.

Save Changes

If you go back to edit or add a new post or page, you will see the font size option like this on the Classic Editor:


For the Block Editor, you will have a Classic Paragraph option when you add a block.

Classic Block Paragraph

The classic paragraph block looks like this:


4. Change the Font Size of Your Entire Website Through the CSS

This option is helpful if you want to change the font size of your entire website. You need to customize the settings of your theme to do this.

Go to Appearance from your Dashboard menu and select Customize.

Click on Customize

Scroll down to Additional CSS and click it. Copy the following WordPress font size short code and paste it on the CSS text box:

p { 

Adjust the size of the font according to your preference. You will immediately see the changes when you adjust the size.

Css Code

Click Publish at the top once done.

Publish your css

The code only changes the paragraph text, so if you want to change the headings as well, modify the code. For example, if you want to change the heading to H2, the code should look like this:

h2 { 

The same modification applies to the other heading levels.

It is important to note though that each theme has its own custom CSS, so when you change your theme, you should configure this setting again. Some themes may provide you with an option to change the font size, so you do not have to configure the CSS if this is the case.


Changing the font size on WordPress can be done through customizing paragraph headings, changing paragraph texts using the Block Editor, installing TinyMCE Advanced plugin, and configuring the CSS. Your WordPress font size might be overlooked at some point, but it does impact viewer experience and the SEO aspect.

Alter the font size of your WordPress now and start to make a difference with the overall performance of your website!

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